Smart Valley : singular desentralized flatform for all

About SMART Valley

SMART Valley is a decentralized valley of innovations that brings together three key entities - “Backer”, “Project”, and “Expert” in a closed ecosystem of professional community, where all members are united by the same purpose – to create advanced, high-potential technologies.
The SMART Valley ecosystem gives its participants an opportunity to raise financial resources, hire team members, find business partners, and realize their ideas – no matter where they are in the world.

SMART Valley as a solution for Backers

  1. An access to a distinctive platform that provides a global database of startup projects seeking financial support and verified by a decentralized scoring system;
  2. The use of distributed ledger technology guarantees the full transparency of all transactions and the identification of all platform members;
  3. Providing conditions for increasing the effectiveness of participation in token sales of those projects that are conducted on the SMART Valley platform, due to its closed and transparent architecture.

It is worth noting that the SMART Valley ecosystem will allow its members to:
  • Track the development of projects on the platform, which is beneficial both for the founders raising financial resources and for the Backers who are seeking to support high-potential projects;
  • Shorten the project assessment period from 10-15 days to 3-5 days (through decentralized scoring);
  • Create favorable conditions for the emergence of a vibrant community and exchange of best practices;
  • Eliminate all unnecessary bureaucratic barriers, reduce costs, and guarantee transparency.

SMART Valley as a solution for Projects

  1. A straightforward and convenient procedure of finding and attracting financing;
  2. Verified service providers;
  3. A minimal number of intermediaries, competitive service rates on the platform, and a chance to reduce marketing budgets - all due to the closed and transparent character of the ecosystem and the presence of key business players who can directly influence the success of a project.
Moreover, the SMART Valley ecosystem will allow project developers to:
  • Connect great technical or marketing ideas with interested Backers;
  • Prepare high-tech projects for token sale;
  • Develop efficient marketing strategies to launch projects;
  • Attract world-class experts.

SMART Valley as a solution for Experts

  1. The creation of a cross-border experts marketplace provides an opportunity for experts anywhere in the world to work on high-profile innovative projects, as well as take part in international tenders and competitions;
  2. The safe-deal mechanism guarantees timely payment for services provided by an expert;
  3. The search for jobs and clients is streamlined and simplified.
In addition to solving these key issues, we believe that the SMART Valley ecosystem will be able to:
  • Ensure employment for young specialists, especially those who are from vulnerable social groups, such as handicapped professionals who cannot find jobs near home or have limited mobility;
  • Enable experts to take part in events that can increase their rating, which will allow them to compete with those service providers who know members of a project team personally or through a third party;
  • Organize efficient training activities;
  • Form a list of highly-rated service providers—businesses and independent professionals;
  • Train DLT specialists;
  • Prepare high-potential specialists for leadership roles;
  • Create new jobs.

About core services

  • Scoring system – a service designed to evaluate the quality of the projects featured on the platform;
  • Safe-deal mechanism – a conflict resolution service that guarantees the performance of clients’ and service providers’ respective responsibilities;
  • Expert market – a service that allows project founders to find team members or hire service providers, all while helping experts and providers find clients or employers;
  • Backer tool – a service aimed at facilitating the search of innovative projects for Backers and allows them easily support these projects.

The Scoring System

The scoring system constitutes one of the key SMART Valley services and serves as a foundational tool for solving various problems encountered by Backers, Projects, and Experts.
The scoring system includes three main elements: decentralized scoring, a mathematical algorithm, and crowd wisdom.
The decentralized scoring tool is the most important element of the SMART Valley platform, since it ensures the democratic and transparent character of the system, making the project evaluation process easily verifiable and efficient.
The other two elements of the scoring system allow for added functionality. They are designed to enhance the end result of the decentralized scoring but do not constitute a complete assessment in their own right.

Token sale economics and SVT token model

In order to maintain operational activity and further the development of the ecosystem, transactional commissions are expected to be charged.

Token economics

SVT token price: 1 SVT = USD 0.10 (10 cents);
Minimum amount for SMART Valley token sale participant: USD 1; Accepted currency : ETH, BTC, USD/EUR/CHF;
Soft Cap: USD 3,000,000;
Hard Cap: USD 30,000,000;
Token sale period:
  • ICO phase begins on 14 May 2018;
  • The token sale process at ICO phase will continue for 30 days from 14 May 2018 or until the hard cap is reached, whichever event occurs first.

Total supply:

The volume of emission depends on the amount raised on the ICO and the used conditions of the
crowdsale (bonuses and discounts).

Milestones scenarios:

The amount raised will determine the SMART Valley development scenario, and it will therefore have an impact on the time and scale of the development of the ecosystem. Depending on the amount collected, the structure of the budget will be as follows:
1st scenario:
  • Amount – USD 5,000,000;
  • 40% - Operational costs;
  • 60% - Financing scoring of foster projects.

2nd scenario:
  • Amount – USD 15,000,000;
  • 15% - Operational costs;
  • 85% - Financing scoring of foster projects.

3rd scenario:
  • Amount – USD 30,000,000;
  • 10% - Operational costs;
  • 90% - Financing scoring of foster projects.

Initially, an SVT Token can only be acquired by participants of SMART Valley token sale. However, the SVT holder has the right to sell / transfer all or part of his tokens to a third party individually, subject to potential restrictions provided for by the SVT Token sale agreement.

How SVT token works

  • The project that decided to choose the method of payment by using foster project tokens to use the decentralized scoring system, should apply for financial aid on the SMART Valley platform. If the application is approved, an agreement is signed between the ICO project and the SMART Valley platform, delineating the terms on which financial assistance is provided for the purpose of paying for the scoring. At this point the project becomes the foster project;
  • Once the parties reach an agreement, a request is sent to the Financial Center to release the necessary amount of financial resources for the scoring of the foster project. The Financial Center allocated the necessary sum in cryptocurrency and makes it available to the foster project, which, in turn, is obliged to place a certain number of its tokens at the Free Token Place; this number must be equivalent to the funding provided by the Financial Center multiplied by five. The foster project tokens transferred to SMART Valley are placed at the Free Token Place, where they are made available for free to those SVT holders who participate in the Allotment Event.
  • SMART Valley pays for the scoring of the foster project; a transaction fee of 10% is charged. Fees charged for using the services provided by the SMART Valley ecosystem are allocated for the support and development of the ecosystem. Experts who carry out the scoring are paid for their work.
  • Once the foster project completes its ICO, its tokens become available for allotment at the Free Token Place. And when SVT holders have used their SVT for the purposes of participation in the Allotment Event at Free Token Place, they receive the desired foster project tokens.

Road Map



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