Jibbit : Building A Trueshtless Network for Canabis

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What is Jibbit?

Jibbit GmbH is working on several software solutions for the cannabis market, with three core sectors.
Marketplace for accessories, the Jibbit Marketplace; delivery service for cannabis, the Jibbit Runner; mecal cannabis area, the Jibbit Doc.
The goal of Jibbit is to connect the fast-growing cannabis industry with the crypto world and to make the benefits of blockchain technology accessible. It should make payments with cryptocurrencies on a world-wide basis suitable for everyday use. In addition, Jibbit GmbH is working together with partners on further blockchain based solutions in the area of payment and healthcare, primarily to promote the use of cryptocurrencies. The focus is also placed on the Jibbit token, in order to anchor it firmly in the crypto world and to give it a supporting role.


The Crypto Cannabis Marketplace
One of the main features used by Jibbit is Blockchain technology. It makes payments on the platform transparent, anonymous and as safe as possible for all parties involved. Other criteria include reducing transaction and business costs and simplifying the purchasing process. Decentralization, globalization, and the opportunities provided by the use of cryptocurrency in the network are our competitive advantages over other companies that have similar solutions on the market


The ‘UBER’ for cryptocurrency Marijuana Delivery
JibbitRunner, the delivery service for THC-containing cannabis products near you, it’s as easy as ordering a pizza. In the future Jibbit®Runner is intended to make cannabis products as easy to order as possible


JibbitDoc sets new standards in the medical sector.
By using blockchain technology, we will be able to address and severely limit the problem of “prescription counterfeiting”. The prescriptions issued by doctors are stored in the blockchain. The patient goes to the pharmacy and can redeem his prescription cannabis drug with a QR code or with the JibbitDoc card. Through the encrypted, unchangeable depositing of prescriptions in the blockchain, counterfeiting of prescriptions becomes almost impossible. Follow-up prescriptions are also not possible without the authentication of a doctor.

Cannabis as medicine

What is medical cannabis used to treat

Medical Cannabis in Germany

Once again, a German high court had to repeal German legislation. A severely ill multiple sclerosis patient, who complained of not being able to privately cultivate and consume cannabis, was found correct (judgment of April 06, 2016-BVerwG 3 C 10.14). This ultimately broke the dam, which then created the necessary legal basis to enable German patients to use medical cannabis. On March 10th, 2017, the amendment to the narcotics law and other regulations entered into force.

Market Forecasts USA and worldwide

In the US,Colorado started with legalization after a referendum in 2012. In the meantime, residents in Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California, Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont are also able to legally consume cannabis. In other states, the leisure and medical use of cannabis is gradually being legalized.





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