OPP open WiFi : A Digital World With No Borders

Image result for opp open wifi
OPP open WiFi is a community driven service with the sole purpose of creating a global, free to access open WiFi hotspot network and rewarding each contributor for being a part of our cause.
There are close to 2.5 billion smartphone users globally, 80% of which are active on social media.
Wi-Fi access has become part of our daily lives. Yet amazingly 76% of us frequently find ourselves in a position where access is not available, or where access is blocked by a demand for payment.
From those 2.5 billion people we aim to recruit 25 million people like you over the next 4 years to join our community of “Hotspot Hosts”. Together we can build a free to access, open and secure global decentralised WiFi hotspot which will have a positive effect on the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people.


From healthcare to social media, to agriculture to the government, blockchain technology is predicted to revolutionise almost every sector. This is due to its ability to solving an age-old problem – Trust. Blockchain creates trustless systems that allow individuals and companies, as well as governments, to engage in peer-to-peer networks without central authorities and without the need to trust a third party.

How it works

Download our app for mobile devices or order a pre-configured router (first 100,000 are completely free, subject to availability).
Our app will activate the mobile hotspot function on the Hotspot Host's smart device and “OPP OPEN WIFI” will be made available to people in the vicinity. The Hotspot Host decides how much data to donate. The system is totally secure for both the Hotspot Host and the guest user.
If using home or work Wi-Fi, then simply plug our router into the existing device. This will create a second hotspot called “OPP OPEN WIFI”. Again, the Hotspot Host decides how much data to donate.
Hotspot Hosts only need to make the data available for one hour each day to satisfy the smart contract and trigger payment. Payments are made on a daily basis. We will pay for each device that you use to contribute to the Global Network

domestic/mobile app users (Hotspot Hosts).

We will pay our hosts for downloading and using our app and for using our domestic routers to create secure Wi-Fi hotspots for the general public. Domestic and mobile users only need to make the public Wi-Fi Hotspot active for at least 1 hour each day in order to qualify for payment. We will pay our hosts for the number of active devices they have.
Further tokens can be earned for simply viewing messages from our sponsors (push notifications). Hosts can select how many messages they are prepared to view each month in the settings menu of our OPP Hosts Portal. Billing will be calculated and stored using blockchain technology and smart contracts.
Payments will be sent directly to their online wallets.

Hotspot users.

Our network of Wi-Fi hotspots provides secure and safe internet access for everyone who needs it. No password, no contract, no cost. Access to the hotspots is not anonymous, it encourages only responsible use. In fact, illegal or immoral use is denied at the source.
In exchange for providing this high-quality secure facility, users will benefit from relevant and focused advertising designed to enhance their lifestyle and online experience.
Every Hotspot user will be given the opportunity to join our program and therefore the  opportunity to receive payment for viewing notifications from our affiliate partners.

Token sale

  • Ticker: OPP
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Type: ERC20
  • ICO Starts: 13 August 2018
  • ICO Ends: 14 September 2018
  • Tokens For Sale: 142,000,000
  • Token Price: 1 OPP = 0.40 USD
  • Bonus Purchase: 10% - 25%
  • Min Investment: 300 USD
  • Accept Payment: BTC, ETH, Fiat
  • Soft Cap: 4,000,000 USD
  • Hard Cap: 40,000,000 USD

ICO – Smart contracts for investors.

Every investor in our ICO will have their transaction carried out with a smart contract. The smart contract defines how much the investor pays, how it is paid, the number of tokens bought, when the tokens are released, etc.
Each of these scenarios displays the 5 classic criteria that need to exist in order for Blockchain to provide optimal transactional processing.

  1. Presence of a business network, assets and transactions
  2. Multiple participants to verify transactions
  3. To know who has done what and when
  4. Irrefutable trusted transaction
  5. A single view of truth shared across network

All these transactions will be handled by escrow smart contracts and transactions will be avisible on blockchain



For More Information


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