CASPER API : Opportunity Of CasperApi


Casper API is attractive to traditional businesses since it allows to reduce data storage expenses three-fold compared to centralized solutions. Decentralized structure proves valuable to DApps as it provides full transaction transparency, simple integration via SDK and both secure and cost-efficient storage.

In the near future information will be generated by people as well as billions of IoT and AR/VR devices, drones, self-driving vehicles and robots. All that will require vast storage volumes, forming a substantial demand for this service from both traditional applications and DApps.

Casper API creates an infrastructure to store data on any Blockchain platform with smart contract capabilities. You can store documents, photo, video, 3D model and audio files.

According to Gartner research, cloud storage market will have reached 72 billion dollars by 2020. In their research, Gartner did not discern the traditional centralized storage market from the decentralized applications market. We clearly see the new opportunity to satisfy the market demand. In 2017 alone 1092 DApps (decentralized blockchain applications) were created and this trend is becoming even more widespread in 2018. 

What is Casper API for?

Casper API allows us to make use of all the capabilities already present in cloud storage, such as data storage and content distribution network (CDN). The infrastructure can be used for all kinds of applications, websites and even offline businesses with no use of smart contracts. Combined with the architecture capabilities such as automated content delivery through smart contracts on blockchains as well as SDK for DApps make Casper API an attractive solution for the budding market of decentralized applications.


Casper API issues its own currency unit – Casper token (CST). It is used in every transaction within our project on any blockchain platform as well as by providers when they acquire a franchise.

A franchise-like storage volume registration system.

When a CST token holder decides to become a provider they have to purchase a certain storage volume quota which they must then register in the smart contract. The quota is attributed according to the rate of 25.6 GB for 1 CST. To purchase a quota, the potential provider invokes the register (tokenCount) function of the smart contract and enters the desired amount of tokens as the argument. The indicated amount of tokens is locked and may not be used by the token holder for selling, leasing or any other purpose described in the document. The token holder is eligible to modify the amount of locked tokens at any moment by modifying the quota by invoking the register (tokenCount) function, entering the new number of tokens, even 0.

When the user places a request for data storing by invoking the getPeers (sizeToStore) function of the smart contract, providers are selected depending on the available storage volume within their respective quotas. The 25.6 GB for 1 CST quota is designed in order to ensure the payback period of N months, thus attracting those providers who are ready for a long-term cooperation.

HDD volume registration mechanism that is pegged to CST is similar to entering a franchise.

A medium of exchange independent from any given cryptocurrency on the blockchain integrated with Casper API

In the Casper API system, users pay for data storage and CDN services and providers are rewarded for supplying these services. Technically, Casper API’s operations are based on a blockchain with its own monetary unit. Casper API will be launched on several blockchain platforms using smart contracts; the provider will receive storage requests from users of several blockchain platforms at the same time. To provide transparency in transactions between the provider and the users of different blockchain platforms, the reward will be credited to the provider’s account in CST tokens. CST tokens will be issued on the Ethereum platform but may be shifted to other platforms keeping the same total amount of tokens on all the platforms.

Asset-backed token value

The price of a CST token is backed by the profitability of services rendered by the provider for the storage volume registered for 1 CST as well as by CST token turnover. During the ICO, a limited amount of tokens is issued. With the quota of 25.6 GB per CST, Casper API can register a limited storage volume with all the tokens. When the network registers storage volume exceeding a certain limit of the maximum volume while a certain minimum limit of the registered storage volume is already in use, the quota for 1 CST will begin to increase. The purpose of raising the quota is to keep a certain share of the total storage volume always available to be filled with user data. Therefore, as the real usage of the Casper API network will grow, CST tokens will be backed by more and more real assets.

Selling tokens on exchanges and token leasing

The Casper API smart contract will be based on the ERC20 standard. You will be able to put CST tokens on an exchange and sell/purchase them freely. Many exchange markets also allow their users to lease tokens under flexible conditions. Thus CST tokens will be traded and leased on many exchange markets.

CST token leasing is a very important financial instrument for the Casper API economic model. Free circulation of CST tokens on exchanges can lead to a sharp increase in the price of the token. This presents obstacles in purchasing CST tokens, consequently hindering the development of the service. Leasing remains financially attractive even if the prices on the market are high. The token holder rents them out and thus becomes closer to the break-even point. This scheme is profitable and transparent for both the token holder and the lessee.

Token emission

Token purchase during Pre-ICO 

19 December 2017, we issued CSPT tokens for the Pre-ICO with a non-ERC20 contract. The day ICO goes live these tokens can be swapped for CST tokens of the operational smart contract that complies with the ERC20 standard. CST tokens will be locked for one year from the swap. Once the year has passed they are free to be traded on an exchange.

Token purchase during ICO

CST tokens will be issued during the ICO using a separate ERC20-compliant smart contract. The tokens issued during the ICO will be locked for 9 months (pre-sale tokens) or 6 months (for crowd-sale tokens) before you are able to trade the tokens on an exchange. You will be able to swap the tokens purchased during the Pre-ICO for the ICO tokens via the exchange() function of the smart contract. After the ICO is terminated, the purchased tokens can be swapped for CST tokens of the operational smart contract. 

Token swap through Casper API Ethereum smart contract. 

The Casper API smart contract will have an exchange() function that allows you to swap pre-ICO and ICO tokens for the operational smart contract tokens.


Main provisions and assumptions of the Casper API financial model:

  • Operating expenses are covered with Casper API profit and fixed capital.
  • Company profit is comprised of users (DApps) payments for data storage minus the money allocated for the providers reward fund and the sales revenue from CST acquired from commission fees on CST turnover within the system (token lease)
  • The fixed capital of the company is comprised of the cryptocurrency assets raised during the ICO.
  • Main expenses:

  1. Project team budget (salaries) and associated costs (office and equipment rent, taxes);
  2. Project team reward – 18% of raised funds;
  3. Marketing costs – attracting new users;
  4. Company reserve capacities costs (hosting fees);
  5. Listing on exchanges;
  6. Money allocation for the reserve fund;

  • The main factors affecting the financial state of the company are:

  1. The number of users (DApps) and their demand for the service;
  2. New users attraction cost;
  3. The number of providers joining in (storage volumes available for use).

Aggressive project development scenario


  • DApps share of IAAS market increases from 1% in 2018 to 15% in 2022.
  • Casper API decentralized data storage market and CDN market increases from 0% in 2018 to 30% in 2022.
  • Casper API transaction fee increases from 10% in 2018 to 15% in 2019 and more.
  • Casper API own reserve capacities decrease from 80% in 2018 to 22.5% in 2019 and further until reaching 2% in 2022.
  • Fiat money reserve fund to total at 5 million USD.
  • CST is listed on 5 exchanges in 2018 and on 10 exchanges in 2019.  

Casper Api Profit & Loss Statement, Aggressive Scenario, $

Project financing:
Total amount of project financing in the aggressive scenario (hard cap) – 32.8 million USD.

Conservative project development scenario

  • DApp share of IAAS market increases from 1% in 2018 to 15% in 2022.
  • Casper API share of the decentralized storage and CDN markets increases from 0% in 2018 to 10% in 2022.
  • Casper API transaction fees increase from 20% to 25% in 2019 and further.
  • Casper API reserve capacities decrease from 80% in 2018 to 8.5% in 2019 and 5% in 2020 and further.
  • Fiat money reserve fund to total at 1 million USD.
  • CST is listed on 1 exchange in 2018 and on 3 exchanges in 2019.
Project financing:
Total amount of project financing in the conservative scenario (soft cap) – 6.7 million USD.

Base project development scenario

  1. DApp share of the IAAS market increases from 1% in 2018 to 15% in 2022.
  2. Casper API share of the decentralized data storage and CDN market increases from 0% in 2018 to 17% 2022.
  3. Casper API transaction fees increase from 15% in 2018 to 20% in 2019 and further.
  4. Casper API own reserve capacities decrease from 80% in 2018 to 15% in 2019 and further until stopping at 3.5% in 2022.
  5. Fiat money reserve fund totals at 3 million USD.
  6. CST is listed on 3 exchanges in 2018 and on 7 exchanges in 2019. 
Project financing:


Casper token (CST)

Casper token (CST) is the key element of the system and provides the opportunity to perform in-system transactions. CST is designed to allow greater system flexibility in real time as well as provide grounds for future growth and development of the system. All CST tokens will be issued during the ICO. A CST token may be divided up to 0.00000001 CST.

CST token use cases

Casper API
CST may be purchased, exchanged, sold, leased or rent out.
A token holder can register in the system as a provider. The provider can become a  participant in the system by putting their own storage volumes into the Casper API network. In this case, the provider can put 25.6 GB of the storage volume into the network for each CST token. The provider is rewarded in CST for putting up his storage volumes into the Casper API network and meeting technical requirements (server uptime, connection speed). The provider as well as any other CST token holder is eligible to fully dispose of the tokens.

Any Casper API user may lease his tokens or rent them out to other Casper API users. If a CST token is leased, the lessee acquires the right to use the token like users and providers do. The lease is ensured by the smart contract. Lease price is based on market conditions.

Decentralized Applications or DApps will act as users of the service. They will have separate fixed USD rates for data storage and transmission (GB/month).

Casper API, the software developer, will provide payment processing as well as user access to the network.

Since the smart contract will work with CST only, Casper API will withhold a certain part from incoming payments in order to ensure that the network and the software run normally. The other part will be converted into CST according to the current exchange rate and sent to the smart contract. These tokens will serve as a reward for the providers and will be distributed among them according to pricing and depending on their individual contribution to the system. This system will allow the provider to be rewarded in fiat currency and put tokens back in circulation again. The growing number of our investors will encourage token purchases performed by Casper API. In its turn, this will contribute to the token exchange rate increase.

In order to ensure that the inner financial system is stable, Casper API reserves a fraction of the tokens (11.4% - 25%) and about 10% of all the funds raised during the ICO. This reserve will help the company provide a fully functioning service at the early stages if providers are not active enough. It will also allow for a more stable CST/USD exchange rate. Tokens and fiat money movements within the Casper API system

Casper token emission

Providers compensation formula*:

( [monthly rate for 1GB of storage] Ñ… [actual storage volume utilized] + [rate for 1Gb transferred] Ñ… [actual data transmitted] ) Ñ… 0.85/4

*if all the technical requirements for equipment and uptime are met.

CST value projection and CST holder privileges 

As it was said before, Casper API plans to list CST on the biggest crypto exchanges so CST/USD exchange rate can be established in live trading where the supply and demand market forces are at play. However, in the long-term the main CST growth driver will be the

volume of data within the system – the number of Tb the users will purchase through Casper API.

Below you can find our understanding of the logic behind establishing a fair CST exchange rate that comes from the fundamental factors, such as CST distribution among market participants, overall data volume and the quota size for providers per 1 CST (hereafter – CST capacity).

CST value projection was estimated utilizing one of the basic principles of macroeconomics – the Fisher equation.

MV = PQ, where
M – money supply
V – velocity of circulation
P – price level in the economy
Q – output produced by the economy

Applying this equation to the Casper API economics we assume that PQ is the volume of money transfers in the system that rely on CST.

The money supply in our model is the amount of CST in circulation, multiplied by the market exchange rate of CST/USD.

From there we produce the basic equation for CST/USD exchange rate projection:

CST exchange rate = USD transaction volume per year / CST in circulation / CST velocity of circulation

CST Price Projection

Aggressive scenario:

Conservative scenario

Base scenario

Cloud storage market for decentralized applications

According to GARTNER research, the cloud storage market volume will reach 383.4 billion dollars by 2020.
Cloud System Infrastructure Services (IaaS) is the fastest growing cloud technologies market segment with the average annual growth rate of 30%. By 2020 the IaaS segment will reach 71.6 billion dollars. One of the main growth factors for the market is the trend to optimize expenses and increase utilization of IT cloud solutions by small-to-medium businesses.

The Top 4 players on the IaaS market control about 50% of the market. The leader on the IaaS market is Amazon Web Services with a staggering 43% market share.
With the advent and popularization of blockchain technologies more and more software developers are focusing their attention on DApps. At this point the Ethereum platform has quoted over 1092 DApps. Services offering decentralized cloud data storage are picking up in popularity. Just as the Casper API platform, a number of players is positioning them selves as DApps-focused, among them are Maid Safe, Swarm, Crypti and Nxt.

However, none of the above offer a service that would provide a comfortable environment for DApps growth and development.

Real representations of the cloud storage market volume and CDN traffic volume are calculated as follows:

We believe that the blockchain-based IaaS market segment will reach approximately 15% by 2022. Currently the top-4 cloud storage market players (Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Google) occupy 60% of the entire market. Considering the fact that we are building a decentralized cloud storage platform and aiming for the leading positions in the industry, the goal for Casper API is to reach a 30% share of the IaaS and CDN for DApp market by 2022 in the aggressive scneario and 10% in the conservative scenario.


Anyone planning to create a DApp knows what opportunities the blockchain technology has to offer.

We want to help our users concentrate their efforts on the main advantages of their DApps and not bother with their own data storage infrastructure development, which can be easily replaced with the Casper API services. We offer secure decentralized data storage infrastructure for your DApps. Our storage fees will lower every year, cutting your expenses and increasing your DApps market competitiveness.

Our main marketing objective is not only to let developers know about Casper API infrastructure capabilities, but also to persuade regular users that using Casper API for DApps is the new way of data storage that guarantees their data security and confidentiality To make our marketing plan clear to everyone we decided to organize it into separate blocks. They show how we are going to promote Casper API, cover our progress, find new team members and manage our community. This is how we try to make our marketing spending of the funds raised during the PRE-ICO and ICO more transparent.

We pay close attention to community management. We will do everything we can to make our replies prompt, detailed and clear, and we will take your replies into account and make the necessary changes.

What makes Casper API attractive

We do not want to create another cloud storage, but a data storage solution for DApps operating on any blockchain platform with smart contract capabilities as well as facilitate the development of projects in the blockchain industry.

Casper API promotion

The target audience of Casper API uses various apps, services and social networks for work and communication. We want to make the most out of this chance to tell the widest range of people about our project.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Just think about it: Facebook has over 1.9 billion users, Instagram has 700 hundred million and Telegram has 100 million. All these networks serve as the perfect platforms with a variety of effective advertising tools such as the carousel ad format, advertising posts and videos.

These social networks are the primary way to tell the world about the ideas Casper API is based on.

Messengers ads

Messengers are getting more and more popular nowadays, with a lot of original channels providing interesting content which attracts many observant and active subscribers.

  • One of the most popular messengers in the world is the Chinese app WeChat with over 900 million users. It has become more than a messenger a whole ecosystem with payment and booking services etc.
  • Kakao is the most popular South Korean messenger with 100 million users.
  • Telegram is a popular messenger actively used by 100 million people worldwide.

These are modern and relevant tools used to deliver your information to the audience that prefers to consume and engross itself in original content.

Contextual advertising

Some of our marketing team members have previously worked at Legion digital agency with six years of experience in contextual advertisement. We are certified Google partners and we know that contextual advertisement is an effective way to reach target audience on the Internet. It is absolutely clear that people usually hesitate to invest in blockchain projects, so it’s important to hit the potential user with as many impressions as  possible for him to notice our service among all the data noise on the Internet.

The world leading search engines Google and Baidu are the best for contextual advertising.

ICO lists

ICO lists are various platforms that provide users with information about dates, token prices, stages and bonuses of upcoming ICOs worldwide. There are many global and local lists helping users to think through all the pros and cons, discuss projects with other users and make decisions.

IT, Blockchain and cryptocurrency media.

No doubt we cannot ignore some detailed and thorough reviews of our project made by major online outlets covering the world of IT, blockchain and cryptocurrencies on a daily basis. The qualified opinions of journalists will help both to draw attention of Casper API target audience and to get some feedback from people reviewing projects professionally.

Meetups, conferences and exhibitions

After the ICO we will make a list of the most important global conferences and exhibitions dedicated to the blockchain technology, data storage and safety. Our team will participate in them and will be ready to answer all the questions.

Besides, it is a great opportunity to convey our main ideas to the DApp developers. We will both find partners as well as assure and encourage other teams, showing how we can solve some of their projects’ development issues with the Casper API infrastructure.


During Pre-ICO, tokens are sold with a discount.
1 CST = $0.08. Hard cap: $1,040,000. Tokens were sold via a smart contract on Ethereum according to the USD/ETH exchange rate for the Pre-ICO launch date.


Funds planned to be raised via the ICO token sale: $31,800,000. The Pre-ICO was sold out at $1,040,000.
Soft Cap: $6,700,000.
Tokens will be sold via a smart contract on Ethereum according to the USD/ETH exchange rate that is in force for the token purchase date.
ICO is terminated if: all the tokens are purchased or two calendar months have passed.

Token distribution table

During the Pre-Sale, major investors gain an extra CST token bonus. The amount of the bonus represents a part of the CST tokens purchased and depends on the amount of the investment:

  • From $10,000 to $50,000 – 0% of the tokens purchased
  • From $50,000 to $100,000 – 5%
  • From $100,000 to $250,000 – 10%
  • From $250,000 to $400,000 – 15%
  • From $400,000 to $500,000 – 20%

ICO: main terms and conditions

  • The ICO is conducted on the Ethereum platform through a smart contract. 
  • ST token emission or mining is impossible after the end of the ICO.
  • If we fail to reach the soft cap during the ICO, the raised funds will be

returned to investors. Please note that the funds raised during the Pre-ICO are non-refundable.



Artem Koltsov


  • Founder and CEO of a major Russian digital-agency Legion. Clients: Biocad, Pfizer, Estel, Carl's Junior, Vileda, Peterhof.
  • Head of Expert Council on digital economy and blockchain technologies under the Russian Federation State Parliament Committee 

Vitaly Cheremensky


  • Experienced practitioner of business management in various fields.
  • Member of Expert Council on digital economy and blockchain technologies under the Russian Federation State Parliament Committee 

Education: ITMO University 

Alyona Kolpashnikova 

Product Manager

  • 5 years of experience in product and project management Business process building experience in teams varying from 5 to 120 members, both in house and out sourced.
  • Welltory project manager (a successful medical app).

Tlenegov Nurlan

Head of marketing department.

  • 6 years of work in a big corporate business – KaVo company.
  • 5 years of experience in event and digital marketing.
  • Member of Expert Council on digital economy and blockchain technologies under the Russian Federation State Parliament Committee Education: SPbSU, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Oriental Studies.

Alexey Verlinger

Responsible for smart contract code supervision.

  • Principal Research Engineer at LG Electronics Russia R&D Lab.
  • 16 years in software development and team leading.
  • Education: Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University (masters degree)

Stanislav Kapulkin

Head of Development Department

  • A mathematician–programmer. Studies mathematical methods and conducts research in cognitive psychology.
  • Participant and prizewinner in various IT and AR start-ups and competitions.
  • Co-organizer of Hack the brain hackathon in 2016.
  • Winner of the regional Imagine Cup competition in 2015.
  • The Intel RealSense App Challenge prizewinner in 2014.
  • Participated in many IT conferences and regional hackathons.
  • Science Hack Day winner in the Tech nomination.
  • Hack CV hack athon winner in 2017

Education: ITMO University (master's degree)

Vadim Batkin

Financial analyst

  • Founder of the Senior Advisors consulting company. 
  • 11 years of experience in investment, finance and strategic consulting, venture, PE and M&A deals assistance in the fields of IT and Internet, retail, wood industry, energy, advertisement, trucking industry, food industry, real estate etc.

Education: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance Universite de Grenoble (Management, PhD) Hamburg University (MiBA) IFRS DipIFR diploma.

Vladislav Seroshtan

Financial analyst

  • Partner in a Senior Advisors consulting company.
  • 6 years of experience in strategic economic studies and business consulting. Worked on several major projects on the field of investment and strategic consulting for Russian and international IT and Internet, retail, FMCG, energy, food industry, construction and other companies.

Education: Saint Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance () - specialist.
SPbSU - post graduate.

Evgeny Stratonikov

go developer

  • 2 years of work experience in RAIDIX. Worked on data storage systems development and maintenance.
  • Work experience at Jet Brains Education: SPbSU, Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty

Igor Koval

go developer

  • 4 years of experience as an enterprise programmer.
  • Worked on VR/AR apps development and mobile devices graphics optimization (SpheraVR)

Ian Scarffe

Blockchain and Crypto Advisor

  • Investor and consultant with business experience from around the world
  • A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries

Michael Portnoy

Capital Markets Advisor

  • Responsible for token exchange listing and market making 20 years of experience in capital markets and investment management
  • 12 years of experience in trading strategies development, execution and risk management BBA in Finance and Investments, New York University

Eddie Chou


  • Innovative engineer and entrepreneurial with in depth experience and local knowledge in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, mainland China and United States.
  • Diversify experience, from High Tech R&D Engineering, Factory Automation, Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing, Developed new market, Investor Relations, Corporate Finance to US listing
  • Chief Technical Officer for Biopack Environmental Solution Inc
  • Chief Machine Designer for ASM Pacific (Listed HKE 522) - Advance Automated semiconductor packaging equipment University of London, Kings College, UK (bachelor degree)

Peter Ling


  • Founder and CEO of Qiantong Bit LTD (a leading cryptomining group in China)
  • Serial entrepreneur
  • Strategic investor of Penta Global


Yuri Gugnin


  • Founder of the project (a decentralized cross-border p2p loans ecosystem) that raised 10 billion USD in the ICO.
  • Formed Chief operating officer in ADV, the leading marketing communications group in Russia. (Worked with MOEX, VTB, Apple, Samsung, LEGO, Nike)
  • Founder of the RIK business school (more than 1000 graduates)
  • 16 years of experience in IT
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences

David Kang


  • investors relations Angel Investor, Startup Mentor, Startup Consultant, UX/UI Designer Marketer, Investment Advisor


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